To share your talents with Lucky Cats, please email info@luckycats.org
Community Cat Caretakers.
Experience heartfelt connections with the feline world as you transform the lives of community cats into Lucky Cats. Full-time and part-time volunteers are needed.
Give a helping hand to someone who can't. Our safe and successful trapping method allows volunteers to trap cats on behalf of those with physical limitations.
Handyman Services.
If you're handy with a toolbox, we're always in need of shelters, feeding stations, trap repairs, and other beneficial and crafty cat projects.
Cat Food Drives.
Cat food is a constant demand in the community both owned and unowned cats. Consider holding a drive through your place of worship, school, business, community organization, or in lieu of birthday or holiday gifts.
When trappers find kittens, it's best to remove and socialize them for adoption before mother cat teaches them her feral ways. Foster and pamper these kittens with lots of play, cuddles, brushing, and loving; and you'll soon transform tiny growls and hisses turn to roaring purrs. Once adoptable, adoption coordination for their forever homes is handled by our rescue partners.
Raise funds.
Have an idea or want to help with a fundraiser? We'd love to have you join us. For every hundred we raise, one community cat becomes a Lucky Cat. Let's have "fund!"
Urge your LOCAL, STATE, and U.S. REPRESENTATIVES to work on behalf of spay/neuter legislation. For more information on how to contact your representatives, please visit https://www.ncleg.gov/FindYourLegislators.

Volunteering is a work of heart. Thank you for sharing yours with us.
Wish List
Cat and kitten food (wet and dry)
Gift cards: Chewy's, Amazon, Lowe’s, Home Depot, PetSmart, Petco, Staple’s, Office Depot, and Gas Stations